Oops!! Swallowed the gum!

As a kids my parents always told me to not swallow the gum as it remains in your body for at least 7 years and it can also shrink your stomach and it sticks everything together

Who is sharing this comic? Author?: Cap3.Nirtd
Image Alt Text - Say what can be seen: Stick figure chewing a gum and accidentally swallowed it.

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  1. This one is a nostalgic childhood myth for me. I also still consciously make sure I don’t swallow my gum. I believe it takes 7 years for the gum to fully disappear from your system but who knows that might be a myth as well!


    I can relate to this as I used to think the same thing when I was younger!

  3. CAP3.MIAP

    I definitely still think this is true hahaha

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