6 Comics Tagged "CAP3.IRSAN"

Stick figure in bed with a frown. Speech bubble that says I\'m so tired, I don\'t want to get out of bed! Another stick figure with speech bubble that says I think you are just depressed.

Unprofessional Misdiagnosis

I remember when I was just starting out highschool I had a sleepover with my friend and I was just too lazy and tired to get out of…

There is a stick figure with a pained expression. Speech bubble that says Owww! my tooth hurts! I\'m going to die.

Jumping to conclusions

I was really young and had gotten a cavity but I like to believe my curiosity got the best of me. I ended up going on google and…

A girl on the left sitting with a book. On the right there is a bed with a person sleeping and \


When I was in my senior year of highschool I had my final exams which were the hardest exams we were going to take and they determined a…

a person standing with a tail. There is an \

oops, anatomy error!

A few years ago I read this post that said that humans had tails thousands of years ago but due to evolution and progression of the world and…

There is a girl on the ground laying down. Another girl walks over her.

Myth about Humans

When I was younger my mom told my siblings and I, that if someone ever walked over us we wouldn’t grow taller. So growing up I genuinely believed…


I was at a coffee shop studying (stick figure with long hair) when a little boy (stick figure w/ short spiky hair) came in with his bike wanting…