Oops, Anatomy Error!

When I was younger I had a habit of sitting very close to the TV. I was told by several adults that sitting too close would damage my vision and eventually make me go blind. I constantly thought about what they said, so whenever I went to watch TV I was so worried that I was going to go blind at any second. I was very happy when I found out that this was not true and I was not going to go blind from sitting close to the TV.

Who is sharing this comic? Author?: CAP3.MONAT
Image Alt Text - Say what can be seen: Stick figure person sitting very close to the TV and is worried she\'ll go blind from it.

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    I love your comic genuinely. It is so eye catching and the use of the stickers is awesome! I was told the same thing when I was younger and even though I know it is not completely true i’m still always cautious of how close I am to the TV or any device i’m watching something on.

  2. Kia Slots

    I really like your comic, it is creative and the story is very clear. Nice with all the colours!


    My dad used to tell me the exact same thing!

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