7 Comics Tagged "CAP3.MIAP"

On left side: Girls face looking sad with words uncertainty, stress and confusing concepts. Right side: girls face looking happy with words understanding relaxed happy and the concepts make sense


Prior to taking this course I was very nervous about learning the concepts and I was stressed about doing schoolwork because I feel uncertain about what im supposed…

Toothbrush and a bottle of soap behind and soap on the toothpaste with the words “ahh that’s not toothpaste!!”


Once I wasn’t paying attention I was very tired in the morning and I accidentally put soap onto my toothbrush instead of toothpaste! YUCK!

Stick figure girl thinking where to go? With boxes with the words “entrance A” another saying “B”, “C” and “D”


When I applied to my job my employer told me to meet at the the job spot but the thing is it’s a huge place with a bunch…

Left hand with ring on ring finger, talk bubble; “R U married?” “No?!” “Wrong finger!”

Oops, anatomy error!

When I was younger I could never remember which ring was the ring finger and I’d always accidentally wear rings on that finger and my childhood friends would…

Girl sitting on couch, phone in hand, table in front of girl with homework aand books, application ‘Nextflix’ displayed on TV screen above the fireplace and 3 clocks displaying the whole day going by


The issue in my life I would like to change is my level of productivity. I feel as though there’s a lot of distractions around me such as…

One stick figure laying on the couch and another standing with a soda in hand.


When I was a kid and had a tummy ache my mom used to always give me Gingergale as if it was a miracle cure for stomach issues….

Cartoon girl putting change in parking meter next to a parked car thinking to herself how nice it would be if someone did this for her.


A girl notices that someone’s car is parked in a spot, their parking meter has run out and they’re nowhere to be found. She puts change in the…