5 Comics Tagged "CAP3.JESSC"

Me finding a way to help with my stress thanks to this course.


I used to get super anxious and stressed when it came to school. When I started this course I was still feeling the same. After doing the GET…

Me waking up in the middle of the night thinking it was time for school.


When I was still in high school, I used to do this silly thing where I would set an alarm at 5am so that I could wake up…

Me as a young girl sitting in front of the TV


When I was a kid, my dad used to tell me that if you sat in front of a screen for too long your eyes would turn square….

A car going through a tunnel and over a bridge.

Myth About Humans

When I was little my parents and grandparents used to tell me to hold my breath when going through a tunnel, and to lift my feet off the…

An anonymous person bringing flowers to my house. The pink sticker is the flowers.


During the COVID19 lockdown, I wasn’t allowed to see any of my friends. On my birthday someone anonymously left flowers at my house on the front door step….