63 Comics Categorized "myth about humans" (page 4 of 4)

Show a scene of a time when you believed a myth about humans, i.e., something you did would (according to popular myth) affect another person or something they did would (according to popular myth) affect you. Note this should be a general myth that would apply to all humans not stereotypes about gender, race, or subcategories of humans.

MYTH ABOUT HUMANS: Swallowing spiders

It is a picture of a random stick figure enjoying their sleep. However, due to the myth about swallowing many spiders throughout the year, there is two spiders…

car driving through a tunnel

myth about humans

As a child I believed in the myth that if you held your breath from start to finish while crossing a tunnel you could make a wish.

From Right to Left. Human standing over a spider with boot coming down on spider, another person near them being sad, and a rain cloud over all of them,

Myths About Humans

if one steps on a spider, It will rain the next day, making others sad.