63 Comics Categorized "myth about humans" (page 3 of 4)

Show a scene of a time when you believed a myth about humans, i.e., something you did would (according to popular myth) affect another person or something they did would (according to popular myth) affect you. Note this should be a general myth that would apply to all humans not stereotypes about gender, race, or subcategories of humans.

Me pulled over and getting arrested by a police officer for not wearing a seatbelt.

Myth about Humans

My dad once told me as a young child that if I ever get caught not wearing a seatbelt by a police officer that I would be arrested…



As a kid , watching cartoon movies about superheros made me think that superheros exist for real. And they are the once whole save the world!!!!

Eating carrots can make you see in the dark

Myth about humans

When I was younger I was told that if I ate carrots everyday I would be able to see in the dark better. So as a child I…

Sick person swallowing cherry seed will make a cherry tree grow out of your stomach and through mouth..

myth about humans

When I was younger I was eating cherries and accidently swallowed a few of the pits. I asked my parents what would happen to me since I swallowed…

There is a stick figure, a house and an open umbrella.

Myths about humans

I was told that if you open an umbrella inside your house, it brings bad luck. And for some reason even that I don’t believe that it will…

Stick figure chewing a gum and accidentally swallowed it.

Oops!! Swallowed the gum!

As a kids my parents always told me to not swallow the gum as it remains in your body for at least 7 years and it can also…

One stick figure laying on the couch and another standing with a soda in hand.


When I was a kid and had a tummy ache my mom used to always give me Gingergale as if it was a miracle cure for stomach issues….

the black cat , an eye ,four leaf clover

Human Myths

a myth stating seeing a black cat will bring you bad luck

Stick figure eats carrots and then turns orange

Myth about humans

I have always been told that if you eat too many carrots you would turn completely orange. This makes me laugh and this is something that pops into…

people eating at the beach and one person drowning

Myth about humans

When I was a child I was always told that if you go swimming right after you ate you would get cramps and maybe drown. So in the…

Stick figure exclaims to another stick figure for \'eating wrong\' at the dinner table, a shock ensues before \'he chews on the right direction.\'

Myth About Humans

My family carry the myth that if you eat and chew on a specific side of your mouth, then you will become much smarter and wiser in the…

Stick person standing with watermelon in belly. Slice of watermelon sitting on table.

Myth About Humans

The myth that if you swallow a watermelon seed it will grow in your stomach is one that I believed as a child. Likely it was my older…

Old saint Nick sneaks to your Christmas tree. Then a small stick figure finds a present, which they show to a larger figure.

Human myths

My parents are very literal and straight with me, so there aren’t many things i can chose from here. I was also a sceptic child. So, I have…

The mom is telling her son not to eat the seed of the apple or a apple tree will grow in his stomach

The uneatable apple seed

When I was little my mom told me if I ate an apple seed an apple tree would grow in my stomach. She was told the same thing…

A parent is driving, while a child is in the backseat flickering the light on and off.

Myths about humans: The illegal light

When I was about 5 years old, I was in the backseat of the car while my mom was driving. I started to feel bored and found out…

Stick figure child eating a cut up of piece of watermelon on a summer day.

Myth About Humans

In this comic, a little girl is going to eat a slice of watermelon cut up by her parents. She is afraid to eat the watermelon slice because…

Stick figure laying on their bed while spiders crawl up their bed. There is a text on the very top that say\'s MYTHS which indicate that the image below is a myth about swallowing spiders.

MYTH ABOUT HUMANS: Swallowing spiders

It is a picture of a random stick figure enjoying their sleep. However, due to the myth about swallow many spiders throughout the year, there is two spiders…

stick figure walking over a sitting persons legs. Sitting person is mad at walking person for going over sitting persons legs.

Myth About Humans

The myth I grew up with was that if you walk over a person’s legs you would stunt their growth or cause them to become shorter.

Stick figure is surprised after seeing a black cat walk in its path.

Myths about Humans

I was told by a family member that if a black cat were to walk in front of me while I was going to do something good (i.e.,…

Kissing your girlfriend will get her pregannt

Human Myth: Kissing will get you pregnant

Left side shows how me kissing my crush and the arrow represents the aftermath; meaning my crush will get pregnant